Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Ringside Reviews: Wrestlemania 25

April 5, 2009
Reliant Stadium
Houston, Texas
In 2009 Wrestlemania was considered a dissapointment. When I first saw it, I was kinda let down on it. Then I watched it again. The card may not be the best in Wrestlemania, but I think that people should give this one another look. This one is underrated.

Money In The Bank
CM Punk vs Kane vs MVP vs Finlay vs Mark Henry vs Shelton Benjamin vs Kofi Kingston vs Christian
Time: 14:24
This one is a decent money in the bank. It has some pretty cool spots and it wasnt that much of a botch fest when I first saw it. From the comedic spots to the solid action, this was a great opener.

25 Diva Battle Royal
Time: 5:57
The live broadcast had a horrible Kid Rock concert. The DVD didn't. Well it still sucked altogether. Didn't know what was going on and it would be nice to have proper entrances for the former Divas.

3On 1 Handicapped Match
Chris Jericho vs Roddy Piper, Jimmy Snuka, Ricky Steamboat (with Ric Flair in their corner)
Time: 8:23
Could they have picked THE WORST legends? Piper can hardly move and Snuka was a joke. I loved his golf clap tap out. Steamboat though tore it up in the end. His work with Jericho saved the rest of the match. The thing with Mickey Rourke was kinda lame though.

Exteme Rules
Matt Hardy vs Jeff Hardy
Time: 13:13
A pretty good hardcore match. Along with that there was some good wrestling. Even though Im not a Jeff Hardy fan he held up his own in this one. The spash through the two tables was pretty sick and the ending was the same.

Intercontinental Championship
Rey Mysterio vs JBL (C)
Time: 0:21
I was excited with the fact that the IC title was being defended at Mania for the first time in years. Well we get this squash. Is it just me or did Mysterio looked more like Dink then the Joker? Anyways the only good part is that this was JBL's last match.

Undertaker vs Shawn Michaels
Time: 30:41
Now this was hands down the match of the night. These two can create a great story in the ring. To me the wrestling was great, and it lived up to the hype. Whenever these two have a match together they steal the show.

World Heavyweight Championship
John Cena vs Big Show vs Edge (C)
Time: 14:21
As far a triple threats go, this one was true to the name. I usually hate it when they become handicap matches, but this one stayed away from that. You get solid action from Cena and Edge while Big Show is just there to enhance the match. It is predictable though. Cena wins of course.

WWE Championship
Triple H (C) vs Randy Orton
Great hype in this fued led to a THATS IT?! moment. How the heck is Triple H gonna get revenge on Orton if he loses the belt from DQ or countout. It would be better if it was a no DQ match. It wouldn't have to be hardcore, but hust enough for Triple H to get revenge. Their 08 fued was hundred times better then this.

Overall: 7/10
To me watching this for the second time made me warm up to it. I suggest you watch it again and you may change your mind or not. You have the MITB, Hardy match, Taker/HBK, and the triple threat. If the main event was better, then this Mania would be even better then what I thought of it.

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